Early Innovations


Release Notes

The newest version is GPSPhotoLinker 1.6.7

Changes in version 1.6.7

  • Release date: 2012-03-19
  • Google reverse geocoder now respects UTF-8 (no more garbled text!).
  • The google reverse geocoder is also language dependent, and respects your system settings.

Changes in version 1.6.6

  • Release date: 2011-12-19
  • Preserves the photo creation date when writing.

Changes in version 1.6.5

  • Release date: 2011-09-16
  • Added support for Mac OS X 10.7, but dropped support for 10.5.

Changes in version 1.6.4

  • Release date: 2009-09-05
  • Upgraded ExifTool to version 7.89 (genuinely adding support for rw2 and rwl raw file types).
  • About GPSPhotoLinker now returns the appropriate software version.

Changes in version 1.6.3

  • Release date: 08/31/09
  • Fixed intermittent crashing during import of track files on 10.6 (Snow Leopard).
  • The geotagged icon (green globe) now correctly shows up on photos previously geotagged.

Changes in version 1.6.2

  • Release date: 08/28/09
  • Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) support.
  • Added support for rw2 and rwl raw file types.

Changes in version 1.6.1

  • Release date: 05/26/09
  • Added the Google reverse geocoder.
  • Upgraded ExifTool to the current production release (7.67).
  • Upgraded GPSBabel to version 1.3.6, now includes support for additional GPS receivers.
  • Substantially improved the speed of deleting imported tracks.
  • Fixed occasional bug where points in standard mode didn't get cleared upon multiple selection.
  • Fixed crasher when reading certain TCX files.
  • Fixed perl memory leak when importing photos (this actually slowed down import speed).
  • Improved photo import speed by removing redundant file reads (resulting in a net speed gain for importing).
  • Fixed crasher when fetch request from the reverse-geocoder failed.
  • Fixed crasher when reading from files without GPSLatitudeRef or GPSLongitudeRef tags and GPSAltitudeRef tags.
  • Manually saving trackpoints or waypoints now includes the GPSDateTime, if available.
  • Time zone changes didn't appear until after refresh. Also added the appropriate time zone to times in manual mode.
  • Changed "Standard, Manual, and Batch" to "Single, Manual, and Auto" to match PhotoLinker.
  • Changed default time criteria to 5 minutes (up from 2 minutes).
  • Added PhotoLinker advertisement.

Changes in version 1.6.0

  • Release date: 09/06/08
  • Fixed incorrect reading of the time zone from MacSimpleGPS generated GPX files.
  • Allow manually linking to multiple photos, a bug since b1.
  • Eliminated repeated Terraserver requests while loading photos.
  • The IKImageBrowserView bug has been (mostly) worked around -- thanks the the Apple engineers at WWDC.
  • Added download support via GPSBabel (was in version 1.5)
  • Added manual linking with track points (was in version 1.5).
  • GPSPhotoLinker now remembers previously loaded track files.
  • Substational speed improvements when batch linking with many track points.
  • Changed default google map zoom level (it is still user adjustable)
  • Added support to not write certain pieces of metadata, like city, state and country (was in version 1.5).
  • Added support for TCX files.
  • Added support for batch and standard linking from Waypoints with time data.
  • Fixed freeze when batch linking with zero photos loaded.
  • Consolidated file drawer and manual tab into single manual tab view.
  • Added optional support for geonames.org as an alternative reverse-geocoder to terraserver-usa.
  • Photo menu options now match all functionality on the toolbar.
  • New Track menu also match functionality on the toolbar.
  • Queries to the selected reverse-geocoder are now performed asynchronously. This solves a bug that could make it take 30 seconds to load a photo while waiting for the query.

Changes in version 1.6.0b10

  • Release date: 05/11/08
  • Fixed bug introduced in the beta 6 release that failed to update changes in the time zone correctly.

Changes in version 1.6.0b9

  • Release date: 05/10/08
  • Fixed hang on files with duplicate tags, in particular NEF files.
  • Reconnected the photo thumbnail browser, but full functionality is still contingent on Apple fixing the IKImageBrowser/GC memory leak.

Changes in version 1.6.0b8

  • Release date: 04/26/08
  • Fixed a major sign error bug in the XMP GPS coordinates introduced in the beta 7 release (EXIF GPS coordinates were fine).

Changes in version 1.6.0b7

  • Release date: 04/20/08
  • Fixed a bug with where the time restriction would not be applied when no preceding or next point exists.
  • Fixed an occasional hang during GPX file import.
  • Removed all dependence on ImageIO, consequently dropping memory usage per photo by more than a factor of 10.
  • Fixed a bug that didn’t allow file paths with apostrophes.
  • Vastily improved the handling of XMP metedata, this fixes a problem with DNGs (and probably other RAW file types).

Changes in version 1.6.0b6

  • Release date: 04/10/08
  • Upgraded ExifTool, which works around Canon 40D CR2 image problems.
  • Dumped ImageIO in favor of ExifTool for DateTimeDigitized tag -- working around yet another ImageIO bug.

Changes in version 1.6.0b5

  • Release date: 12/20/07
  • Completely rewritten for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and will not run in Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger.
  • Documentation, localizations, GPS download and a photo browser are still missing from previous versions. For now, refer to the online documentation from the previous version and use GPSBabel for track download in GPX file format. The photo browser will be fixed when Apple fixes the IKImageBrowser, for now, use the list view.
  • New, more polished interface.
  • Much faster and multi-threaded.
  • More flexible map server preferences.

Changes in version 1.5.3

  • Release date: 12/20/07
  • This is the last Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger version.
  • Support for Panasonic FAW files.
  • Upgraded GPSBabel to 1.3.4, fixing 10.4.10 USB changes.
  • Upgraded ExifTool to version 6.99.
  • Added GPSTimeStamp and GPSDateStamp tags when tagging with real GPS points (interpolated points won't write these tags).

Changes in version 1.5.2

  • Release date: 07/12/07
  • Check to see that perl library loads at startup.
  • Fixed crash while building thumbnails.
  • Speed up to thumbnail building and support for RAW file thumbnails.
  • Upgraded to CamelBones 1.0.2
  • Added support for Olympus “.orf” RAW files.
  • Added support for “THM” files (CRW sidecar files).
  • Fixed below sea level elevation bug (1.4 regression).
  • Batch time shifting now only presents a single alert dialog instead of one for each photo.
  • Allows redownloading of City, State and Country metadata, based on existing GPS tags.
  • Fixed crash caused by trying to load the download tracks menu.
  • Fixed sign error on latitude/longitude in certain cases (1.4 regression).

Changes in version 1.5.1

  • Release date: 11/16/06
  • More detailed error messages.
  • Handles loading folders containing images (1.4 regression).
  • Writes to images with bad makernote offsets (including tutorial images).
  • Fixes skipped already linked photos bug (1.4 regression).

Changes in version 1.5.0

  • Release date: 10/30/06
  • Fixed 10.4.8 incompatibility.
  • Support for RAW image formats.
  • Manually enter GPS coordinates.
  • Shift the date & time stamp on the photos.
  • Preserves the Finder icon.
  • Preserves the Finder creation date.
  • Bug fixes (including egregious memory leak).
  • Improved GPS support.

Changes in version 1.4.0

  • Release date: 8/28/06
  • MacOSX 10.4 or greater.
  • Universal Binary.
  • Download from Garmin GPS with USB.
  • Google Maps, Topozone, and Terraserver map servers support.
  • Custom map servers.
  • Better support for writing Exif tags around makernotes.
  • Italian localization. Thanks Claudio!

Changes in version 1.3.0

  • Release date: 5/13/05
  • Automatically saves city, state and country based on GPS location.
  • Download directly from GPS.
  • Includes tutorial.
  • Improved thumbnail matrix.
  • Drag and drop.
  • Enhanced interface.
  • Better error checking, bug fixes.

Changes in version 1.1.0

  • Release date: 2/04/05
  • Batch mode.
  • Manual linking with waypoints and track points.
  • Photo thumbnails.
  • Robust time offset settings.
  • Multiple bug fixes.

Changes in version 1.0.4

  • Release date: 10/28/04
  • Fixed a bug which caused some gpx files to be unreadable.
  • Added the GPSVersionID tag. This is a required tag which specifies the Exif version, 2.2.

Changes in version 1.0.3

  • Release date: 10/10/04
  • Added 'View on Map' button for the current image.
  • Altitude is now recorded if available.
  • The map datum is also added to the image file.
  • Time between track points is given.
  • More significant figures are correctly recorded (although in the future this should adjust according to what's available)

Changes in version 1.0.2

  • Release date: 10/05/04
  • Fixed a nasty bug which corrupted some jpegs coming from the Canon 20D.
  • Added support for .jpe files.

Changes in version 1.0.0

  • Release date: 9/29/04
  • Initial release.
Copyright © 2004-2014 Early Innovations, LLC